Ella Purnell eye color

Ella Purnell eye color

There are conflicting reports about Ella Purnell's distinctive large eyes, which are one of her most notable features. While some sources indicate she has dark brown eyes, others describe them as hazel, and one source mentions them as green.

Physical Appearance

Her eyes are notably large and striking, often becoming a topic of discussion among viewers and fans. In the Fallout series, many viewers have commented on their distinctive size, which is entirely natural and not artificially enhanced through CGI.

Makeup and Natural Look

When wearing makeup, Purnell often accentuates her eyes with liquid liner to enhance their natural shape. However, even without makeup, her eyes remain one of her most striking features, drawing attention and compliments from fans.

Professional Impact

Her distinctive eyes have become an asset in her acting career, particularly helping to convey her character's naivete and wholesomeness in various roles. Makeup artists often work to enhance this natural feature, though Purnell has learned to balance her eye makeup over the years, moving away from the heavy gothic liner she used in her younger days.

Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
Ella Purnell eye color
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